Resources for Forming New Chapters
If you are interested in starting a new Connect Chapter please provide some information using this short form or contact us directly. You may also reference the documents below to assist you with your new chapter launch.
Connect Chapter Launch Guide
Connect Chapter Affiliation Agreement
Connect Chapters
Connect recognizes our Chapters as a critical component of our global community. Chapters allow our members to meet face-to-face, network, and discuss important industry topics on a local level.
North America
Arizona – CACTUS
Welcome to the Arizona Cactus Chapter of Connect. This Chapter meets within the Phoenix metro area, but all Arizonans are welcome. Our goal is to provide neighborhood education and networking opportunities for users of HPE enterprise technologies.
Chapter Leader: Open (please get in touch with us if you are interested in leading this chapter)
Arizona – DUST
The DUST (Desert Users of Tandem) has been around since 1986. We are located in Scottsdale, Arizona, and have Users from the Phoenix metropolitan area along with HPE and vendors from all over the world. We formed to meet other Tandem Users, exchange ideas, and have discussions with Tandem (HP). We grew to include Vendors and now have a well-rounded group. All of the people who attend the DUST meetings are considered Tandem (NonStop) Users and can share, gain, and pass along information. We welcome all who are interested in the NonStop systems.
Chapter Leader: Kathy Wood
Atlanta – ATUG
ATUG (Atlanta Tandem User Group) was established in the 80’s and is now reformed with a new purpose. We are located in Atlanta, GA, and have the support of the local HPE team and strong Partners. ATUG comprises members from HPE, Partners, Users, and Vendors worldwide. We formed to meet others, exchange ideas, and learn from others experiences and together. These are exciting times, and we have a well-rounded group of attendees. ATUG meeting attendees are considered HPE NonStop Users and anyone with interest in the NonStop platform.
Chapter Leader: Dale Van Stratten
Canada – CTUG
For over 30 years, CTUG, the Canadian Tandem Users Group, has been dedicated to pursuing knowledge, exchanging ideas, and providing an independent conduit between the NonStop community in Canada and Hewlett-Packard Enterprise. CTUG was founded as a non-profit organization with a local volunteer executive board.
As one of the initial Regional Users Groups affiliated with the International Tandem Users Group (ITUG), CTUG has a successful history of serving its members as a facilitator between NonStop users, HPE Partners, and Hewlett-Packard Enterprise.
Chapter Leader: Henry Fonseca
Chapter Website
Upcoming Events:May 21-22, 2025
Chicago – CARTS
The Chicago Area Real Time Society (CARTS) is a chapter of Connect. Formed in 1971 as a Local User Group of DECUS (Digital Equipment Computer Users Society), CARTS has operated continuously since its inception. Although the name of the group has never changed over the years, the interests of the group have expanded considerably beyond its initial focus on real-time computing. The group meets to provide a local forum for knowledge exchange, learning about HP business technologies, and helping its members build professional peer relationships.
Chapter Leader: Open (please contact us if you are interested in leading this chapter)
Connect Carolinas
Our goal is to provide local education and networking opportunities for users of HPE enterprise technologies. While we are located in the Carolinas, we welcome people to join from anywhere in the world. We are currently in the process of building chapter membership. Look for a meeting or event in the near future!
Chapter Leader: Open (please contact us if you are interested in leading this chapter)
Connect Florida – SUNTUG
While our members mainly use HPE NonStop, we welcome all HPE technology users/practitioners to join our group. We have schedule chapter meetings and hold an annual SunTUG Summit. Please visit often for an update on events, photos, and information specific to our local community.
Chapter Leader: Teri Sears
Connect Mid-Atlantic – MATUG
The Mid-Atlantic Chapter (MATUG) is open to any NonStop customer, partner, user, consultant, or interested party. Members usually are from the following states: Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, and West Virginia. We allow our members to participate in quality educational sessions and networking.
Chapter Leader: Paden Holenstein
Upcoming Meetings: May 15, 2025- Reston, Virginia
Midwest Region – MRTUG
The Midwest Region Chapter (MRTUG) is open to NonStop customers in the Chicagoland region. We allow our members to participate in quality educational sessions and networking. Join us for fun, prizes, and food!
Chapter Leader: John Sesolak
Minnesota Chapter – MUG (Minnesota User Group)
The Minnesota Chapter of Connect (MUG) typically meets near the Falcon Heights area, but all Minnesotans are welcome to attend our chapter meetings. Our goal is to provide neighborhood education and networking opportunities for users of HPE enterprise technologies.
Chapter Leader: Jill Bourman
Mexico City – MEXTUG
Bienvenidos a la Ciudad de México (MEXTUG) NonStop grupo enfocado capítulo. Como un nuevo capítulo de Connect, animamos a la gente a inscribirse como miembros y unirse a nuestro grupo. Por favor, busque más información para ser enviado a este grupo en un futuro muy próximo.
Chapter Leader: Edgar Veloz and Gabriel Alvarez
Upcoming Events: 2025 Meeting – April 10, 2025 Mexico City, Mexico
New England – NENUG
NENUG serves New England and welcomes Tandem users from the northeast region. We are focused on organizing great (and educational) community events, and we hope you can make it to the next meeting!
Chapter Leader: Peter Schvarcz
New York / New Jersey – NYTUG
Welcome to the New York Chapter of Connect! The former ITUG and Encompass Chapters in New York City have joined forces to provide comprehensive education and networking opportunities to HPE users in the area. Our goal is to provide neighborhood education and networking opportunities for users of HPE enterprise technologies.
Chapter Leader: Peter Schvarcz
Upcoming Events: May 13, 2025 – Berkeley Heights, NJ
North Texas and Oklahoma – N2TUG
Welcome to the Connect North Texas/Oklahoma Chapter. We are here to provide you locally with the latest in NonStop education.
Chapter Leader: Bill Honaker
Northern Nevada
The Northern Nevada chapter is open to Hewlett Packard Enterprise customers in Nevada. We allow our members to participate in quality educational sessions and networking. Join us for fun, prizes, and food!
Chapter Leader: Open (please get in touch with us if you are interested in leading this chapter)
Ohio – OTUG
The Ohio Chapter (OTUG) is open to NonStop customers in the Ohio region. We allow our members to participate in quality educational sessions and networking. Our goal is to provide neighborhood education and networking opportunities for users of HPE enterprise technologies.
Chapter Leader: Steve Barker
Pacific Northwest / Seattle – PNUTS
The Pacific Northwest Chapter is comprised of NonStop users in the Connect Community who are interested in enhancing their professional development through attendance at chapter meetings and networking. Join us for fun, food, prizes, and the latest and greatest HPE technologies that matter most to you!
Chapter Leader: Open (please get in touch with us if you are interested in leading this chapter)
Rocky Mountains – RMTUG
The Rocky Mountain Chapter is comprised of NonStop users in the Connect Community who are interested in enhancing their professional development through attendance at chapter meetings and networking. The chapter offers several formal and informal gatherings each year where members can explore and learn about new ideas, systems, and technology. Members can meet fellow professionals who may become friends, advisors, or crucial business contacts.
Chapter Leader: Open (please get in touch with us if you are interested in leading this chapter)
Southern California – SCNUG
SCNUG is an educational and networking group for users of HPE Nonstop products throughout the Southern California region. Through face-to-face events, SCNUG provides its members with the latest information and networking time with their peers and vendors in the community. We welcome all interested parties and hope to see you at one of our events soon!
Chapter Leader: Navid Khodayari
Washington, DC – ESILUG
ESILUG, the Enterprise Server Integration Local User Group, is the Connect local chapter in the Washington D.C. area.
Chapter Leader: Open (please contact us if you are interested in leading this chapter)
Latin America
Chapter Leaders:
Juan Pablo Nahuel (President), Fabián Manfredi (HPE Representative), Gabriel Alvarez (HPE NonStop Partner)
Connect Germany – GTUG
GTUG is part of CONNECT Deutschland e.V. – Your Independent Hewlett Packard Enterprise Technology User Community, serving members primarily in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, with some participation from other Central and Eastern European countries. Established in 1980, GTUG currently has 70 members. Its mission is to provide a gathering point for users of Hewlett Packard Enterprise NonStop Servers to learn about new technologies, evaluate HPE and Alliance product offerings, and share experiences.
Some 150 users are frequently invited to regional conferences and receive conference documentation and yearly reports. GTUG enjoys strong support from Hewlett Packard Enterprise. The regional liaisons are very helpful in selecting speakers for meetings.
Chapter Leaders: Dr. Werner Alexi
British Isles – BITUG
BITUG is a volunteer-run, non-profit making organization. Its members run it for the benefit of its members. Founded in 1984, BITUG is the largest Tandem (now HPE NonStop) User Group outside the USA. We are one of the most active of the world’s NonStop user groups. Membership is open to all users of the Tandem / Himalaya / HPE NonStop range of systems in the British Isles. BITUG is an affiliated member group of Connect (formerly ITUG) – the International Tandem user group. We are proud that we maintain complete independence from HPE (Tandem) whilst continuing a close working relationship.
BITUG is run by an annually elected committee drawn from the membership. Each year, we try to hold at least two one-day special interest group meetings (SIGs) covering various technical issues. We also have two education days per year.
Chapter Leadership: View Officers
Upcoming Events:
EBITUG – June 3-5, 2025 – Dublin, Ireland
HP-Connect Sweden
HP-Connect Sweden is an ideal and independent association that promotes the exchange of experience between HP product users, representing its members in international user groups and safeguarding members’ interests towards HPE. Membership is open to anyone who is related to HPE products.
Chapter Leader: Open (please get in touch with us if you are interested in leading this chapter)
Ireland – Interex
HP-Interex Ireland is a community of IT professionals who work in the “enterprise” area and who deliver information technology solutions for complex computing environments using equipment and services primarily supplied by HP.
Netherlands – Interexperience
Interexperience is the independent Hewlett Packard Enterprise user association. We are one joint spokeswoman to HPE. Via Interexperience, you have access to Connect, the international user community. Together, you achieve more; together, you know more. Interexperience gives you a voice. Doubt about difficult technical decisions? Dive into the sources of Interexperience!
Interexperience gives you a voice, and others can hear you now. Doubt about difficult technical decisions? Dive into the sources of Interexperience: SIGs (Special Interexperience Groups), Connect (international user network), and consultation in the broad community of Interexperience. Exclusive resources, magazines, and interesting articles are available on the site. Newsletters inform you about current developments. Links in the electronic newsletter invite you to a professional debate.
Chapter Leader: Open (please get in touch with us if you are interested in leading this chapter)
Middle East – MENUG
MENUG is an educational and networking group for users of HPE Nonstop products throughout the Middle East. Through face-to-face events in Qatar, Doha, and Riyadh, MENUG provides its members with the latest information and networking time with peers and vendors in the community. We welcome all interested parties and hope to see you at one of our events soon!
Chapter Leader: Grant Adonis
South Africa – SATUG
SATUG (South African Technology User Group) is an independent user group run by users and interested parties independent of specific technology manufacturers, vendors, or suppliers. SATUG has its origins in ITUG (International Tandem User Group), focusing on HPE NonStop Technology (previously Tandem) but has spread its interests to broader technology areas of BCS (Business Critical System), DCM (data centre management), and other technologies.
Viking Nonstop User Group – VNUG
For questions regarding VNUG, joining VNUG, or contacting other NonStop users in the Nordic countries, including Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland, please contact or someone from the board.
Chapter Chairman: Lise-lotte Löfmark
Asia Pacific
Australia – OZTUG
Welcome to OZTUG, the Australia/New Zealand HPE NonStop (Tandem) User Group. We aim to provide information and networking opportunities for antipodean users of the HPE NonStop platform.
Chapter Leader: Feng Lin
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